Order Information


Can I cancel my order?

In most instances, your order is processed and shipped the same day so you get it quickly. Therefore, there is no way to cancel an order once it has been submitted. Please order carefully.

I have a coupon code, where do I enter it?

Your coupon code can be applied on your shopping cart by clicking here. Once entered you will see the discount for the coupon code automatically applied to the total.

Can you add an order to my account?

No we can't. You must be logged into your account while placing an order for information to be reflected on your account.

How do backordered items work?

Our system will not keep backorders. Any items that are not available will be removed from your order. The order will be billed accordingly.

Does AdultLand.us have a store I can visit?

No. We are an e-commerce business only. All items are shipped directly from our warehouse. We are not open to the public.

Can I place my order over the phone?

No. All orders must be placed online. We can not place an order over the phone.

How can I get a coupon code?

If you have registered on our site with a valid email address, you will receive an email from us with a coupon code after each purchase you make.

How can I place my order?

Once you've found the product you want to purchase, click the add to shopping cart button. Once you are done choosing the items, click the checkout button to fill in the information required. Choose your desired shipping and payment option. Once the order has been placed, you will receive a confirmation via email. It is very important that you add our email address (info@adultland.us) to your email safe senders list, address book or contact list. If you don't receive our confirmation emails, please check your Spam folder.

I want to cancel my order but it has already been processed

Unfortunately we are unable to cancel your order once it has been processed at our warehouse. Please be advised, if you no longer wish to receive this order we suggest you mark the package RTS (Return to Sender) and refuse the order at time of delivery. Please note that the shipping box must remain sealed to refused an order. Shipping costs are not refundable and we will have to apply a 20% restocking fee on all returned items.

Product availability

Items in our online shop have stock and are ready to send. On rare occassions at peak selling periods we may have some out of stock issues from customers ordering items at the same time. When we are unable to ship an already ordered item, we will refund this amount to your card or PayPal account with the price of the article. We work hard to keep our stock levels as accurate as possible. Occasionally errors occur, although they are rare.

If I add a wrong delivery address, will it be shipped to me?

Please take care in providing your shipping information. What you provide is exactly how your shipping label will be printed. Orders returned to us as undeliverable will result in a 20% restocking fee and no shipping refund will be issued.

What is your return address?

Remember, before sending back any product, you must contact us to request a RMA number. Orders without RMA number can't be refunded/returned. After you get this RMA number, we will provide the return address.